10 Principles of a Culture of Thinking
In working with teachers for over a decade on the goal of creating cultures of thinking, we began to recognize that there were certain stances or mindsets that the most effective teachers of thinking seemed to posses. These stances represent core beliefs and values about teaching, learning, schooling, and intelligence that motivate teacher’s actions. We set out to identify these stances, we call them principles, that underpin the development of cultures of thinking. We sought to name those foundational beliefs that breathe life into the various practices, techniques, frameworks, and tools we had already developed and have used extensively. We identified 10 such principles.
We present them here along with accompanying “theories of action” that tie specific actions around each principle to the kinds of outcomes we would expect to see. A theory of action helps us move from our current state to a desired state. Click on the image to the left to enlarge. You can also find each principle presented below in the form of an image and statement. As our research progresses, we are developing materials for each principle that will help teachers understand why each principle matters and the research basis for it, what each principle looks like in action, and practical tools and resources for advancing each principle in one’s classroom and at one's school. Click on the link to see an early version of a mock-up for Principle #4: Feeling Known.

Education for Teachers
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