Readings on the cultural force of “Environment” Please Pick 2 Research Articles “Children and Place” (2007)- connects to Reggio Emila philosphy. 6 Pages “The Small Changes in Classroom Environment that Can Improve Learning,” Barrett (2013). 5 pages “Flexible Classroom: Research is Scarce but Promising” (2018) 3 pages "Place of Agency” (2024). 5 pages Articles Written by Teachers “Room for Beliefs,” (2006). 2 pages “Using Archetypes to Match Learning Spaces with Physical and Digital Spaces” (2012). 6 pages “How to Implement Flexible Seating in Your Classroom” 3 pages (2021) “Innovative Learning Spaces for the Next Generation" (2020). 4 minute Video Articles Written by Designers “The best kindergarten you’ve ever seen” (2014). 10 minute video “Eight Principles that Define the New School Design Paradigm" from the book, LEARNING BY DESIGN (2019). 11 pages with lots of pictures “Influence of Design on Learning in the 21st Century” (2012) . 15 pages with lots of pictures “Beware the Sitting Trap in Learning and Schooling” (2007). 4 pages