Resources for Leading & Coaching a Culture of Thinking
Looking At Student Thinking Protocol
The LAST protocol is designed to facilitate teachers examining student work (usually work from a thinking routine) for the presence of thinking. The protocol facilitates teacher learning of thinking routines and helps develop teacher’s formative assessment skills.
Snapshot Observation Protocol
The Snapshot Observation Protocol structures teachers’ 10 minute observation in a colleague’s classrooms in order to facilitate teacher reflection on their own teaching practice. It is a non-evaluative, no-feedback process that is focused on the observer’s learning.
4 Types of Teacher Dialog
To change professional learning we have to change the conversation. Specifically, we need to facilitate more exploratory and inquiry type conversations. Tamara Holmlund Nelson, David Slavit,
and Angie Deuel identify 4 types of teacher dialog found in schools.
Opportunities Protocol 1
This protocol helps teachers gain a deeper understanding of the thinking opportunities they provide students. At times we aren’t aware of the opportunities a lesson affords. Other times, we may over-estimate the thinking involved. Seeing our plans through others eyes can be illuminating in both of these respects
Opportunities Protocol 2
This discussion protocol is designed to yield a deeper understanding of how we can best design learning opportunities that support students as thinkers and learners. The protocol is focused on pulling out “supporting conditions” for good thinking. With this understanding and awareness, we can more consciously design instruction that supports the development of students’ thinking
Observation Discussion Protocol
Use this protocol to facilitate discussion of collegial observations done across multiple classrooms. Emphasis is on developing the group’s understanding of the discourse that is happening in classrooms by recognizing its shape, flow, and pattern. Interpretations and implications focus on understanding how discourse affects student learning and the teacher’s role in shaping that discourse.
Leaders CoT Self-Assessment
To effectively lead and inspire a culture of thinking, leaders need to examine how they personally are leveraging the 8 cultural forces to create a strong culture. The self-assessment is not an evaluation but a reflective tool that might illuminate both areas of growth and areas in need of additional growth. Leaders could also ask some of their colleagues to rate them in a 360 review style process.
Ghost Walk Protocol
Culture lives in the messages we send. One place to attend to messages is in the school’s physical environment. What does your space say about what you value and think is important? What message does it send to students, parents, and visitors about learning? Use the protocol to examine one’s own building or do it with a critical friends group where you visit each other’s schools,